The organization app
Jars was the longest-running under-development app I've made to date by technicality: now integrated into all new projects on this site, Jars started in 2017 as an desktop app built to organise my daily life.

It started as a way to formalize and keep record of the markdown documents that preceded it:, & (among others) that I used to organise my life.

I started development with a Vue and Electron framework hybrid, to teach myself both. I think in that regard it's been a wild succes, and I learned ES6 along the way as well.
Inspiration for the project in it's current form conceptually borrows from Josh Avanier's log and other similar works. A prominent component of this version of Jars utilises a calendar representation written by Alexey Botkov.
Jars is so named after the Christopher Crawford ritual of moving a colored bean from one jar to another each day, acknowledging the passage of time and one's best use of it.
Jars' ever-changing logo is effectively an hourglass for the 80 year lifespan.
Early Design

The project is available here on Github with more notes on technical details.